Jeep Trailer Axle Build


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2006
Has anyone used Spindles to build a trailer Axle? I have a set of extra spindles and hubs and I'm going to use them to build a axle. How to you line everything up and make the connection from the tubing to the spindle strong enough to hold up under the weight of the trailer and load?
what sort of spindles? if it's the conventional truck sort i'm thinking of, find a length of tubing/pipe to use as the axle and sleeve through the inside then weld around the back?

you can also purchase spindles specifically for making a trailer axle that slide into square stock for welding.
if you're going to build a trailer, agrisupply out in garner has just about everything you'll ever need to build one. brakes, wheels, tires, axles, everything.
Low budget trying to use things I have around the house. Agrisupply has 5 on 5.5 hubs but there about 60 bones a peace. Yeah there the conv. truck spindles but the problem is I have a near 2" round tubing sitting in the yard that I want to use. Key here is low budget IE dont want to have to buy anything atleast for now

Oh yeah and have it centered