Jimmy V week


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2006
NORTH CAROLINA Statesville/Union Grove
For those who did not know, this is Jimmy V wk, JV was A basketball coach at NCSU back in the day, to make A long story short he was A great coach that died of cancer and there has been A Jimmy V foundation since 1993 for cancer research. I know times are tough right now but if you ever give to A foundation, this is A great one to give to, cause all of us probroly in some way or another has known A cancer victim or patient. I personally am A huge sports fan that is why I am posting about this, cause ESPN funded the foundation to get it started. Anyway thought I would throw this out there.
BTW, its been a while since Ive researched it, but at one point it was the #1 most efficient charity in the country.

With every employee being volunteer or outside supported, and literally zero waste.
One of the best speeches in sports history. Naturally he was from NC State. All joking aside, great foundation and great man.
For those who did not know, this is Jimmy V wk, JV was A basketball coach at NCSU back in the day, to make A long story short he was A great coach that died of cancer and there has been A Jimmy V foundation since 1993 for cancer research. I know times are tough right now but if you ever give to A foundation, this is A great one to give to, cause all of us probroly in some way or another has known A cancer victim or patient. I personally am A huge sports fan that is why I am posting about this, cause ESPN funded the foundation to get it started. Anyway thought I would throw this out there.

And if you'd rather donate your time, you can become a volunteer for the Jimmy V Golf Classic (http://golfclassic.org/how-volunteering-works.html). It is one of their fundraisers and they really take care of their volunteers.