July 1 state of the Union of URE from the fs


YHDG's adopted son!!!
Jun 19, 2007
high point
Guys I have been trying to get info on what big projects we can start planning biiger work days when the temp gets cooler. Here is what I got back. We are also in a holding pattern on RML because it has to go across 10 different desks to get an action plan, so looks like another year without it. I am requesting that the lake view layout get done sooner than later so we do some fund raising to get it opened faster. Please be postive and help not hinder the work we are doing. We are also looking at a easier legal bypass on Daniel so we don't have to keep blocking illegal bypasses....
Here is the email I got from Terry

Snappy - For the July workday I just plan on it being low key since it is so hot and humid and we don’t have the supplies ready for any big projects as we’re waiting on a lot of grant money to get here this year. So for whoever comes up for July 20th work day have them plan on using shovels to maintain / clear out sediment from the tail ditches on the trails, remove tree branches & downed logs in the trail, use loppers to brush back the trail corridors, continue to add trail #’s to the orange diamonds, and pick up trash.

For the fall I’ll be walking the Daniel Trail at the Cotton Place TH end and looking for safer trail location and also finalizing a location of the “Lake View Trail” I started a year or so ago. I’ll need to get the locations surveyed and approved by our botanist, wildlife biologist & archaeologist and then write a Decision Memo for Deborah’s signature for her to approve the project. Then I’ll apply for a grants in January 2014 or 2015 and hopefully they’ll both be constructed by 2017. I know it seems to take forever but we need to get the trail location approved first and then find the funding between the trail fees, RTP grants and volunteer hours and donations to implement the projects. We’ve got a long list of projects to work on out there and can only get so much funding and only have so much time from all of the specialists to work on all of the projects each year to implement them. Thanks a lot for all of your help with the volunteers. We appreciate all of the volunteer work and we’re trying our best to keep up with the trails but we have multiple recreation facilities to keep up with and have a lot of miles of trail to maintain for all of the different trail users. Thanks for your continued help and continued support.

Bye - Terry
Dang, 2017. That realistically probably means 2020.
He is getting some good ideas / info to talk to them with though.
The bypass for Daniel is easy the old gold mine trail runs to the left of the ledges and comes out up top. Could probably clear it in one workday, would keep utv's and atv's off the ledges and give the forest service an easier way to the top to ticket all the idiots.

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Thanks for stepping up and taking the work day coordination position, Chris! You are doing a great job and we appreciate it!