July DIY Workday


Uwharrie Off-Road Volunteering
Oct 23, 2007
Weddington, NC
As many people all ready know the Forest Service will not be having a workday this month or next month due to the heat. The last 2 years have been fairly mild summers so we have had workdays anyway, even when the Forest Service hasn't been out there. This year the 100 degree days, crazy humidity even on the "cooler days", and the thunderstorms just about everyday we won't be doing a un-official workday next weekend like we did the past 2 years. It will be a Do It Yourself workday instead. Meaning if you still want to come out on Saturday you will need to sign in with Janet Becker the campground host at the Arrowhead Campgrounds. She will give you trash bags (or bring your own) and then at the end of the day just bring the trash back to Arrowhead and she will tell you where to dump it.

If anyone is wondering about the 4 Wheel Parts gift cards we will probably do a double giveaway at the next workday. And that next workday will hopefully be August if weather/temperatures are co-operating.
I will be there for cleaning / maintenance of Wolf Den.
Trying to make this 1; didn't know it is un-official.

I try not to use the words official etc when it comes to workdays but its the easiest way to describe them in one word. For my purposes any of the workdays on the schedule that the Forest Service is with us would be what I would call "official". Any workday that follows the schedule, has a meetup at 9AM etc, but doesn't have Forest Service attending I would call "un-official". This Saturday where there is no meet up time etc, its basically a free for all I would call a "Do it Yourself" workday. These are just my definitions that I use to clarify the workdays, people are free to call them what ever they want but this is my logic/.02 .
Look like Mother Nature, is not cooperating, with Saturday. I got the top off, & don't care to put it back on, right now. Of course the weather changes with every forecast!
Just quick question here, but has anyone let Janet know we will be by her place at 0900 Saturday morning ?
Posting very late, just saying, I can't make it, Sat/21st.. Started switching out my gas tank, last Sat., & still not done. It's been one hell of a fight, but I think I can win, in about 3 more hours!
And, Boss asked if I could work 1/2 day Sat.. With no tank installed, & rain coming, I said, why not!
Great day to be here right now. Full sunshine with some clouds everyonce in awhile
Eli, ran into someone you knew up there. Guy in a old trooper with a diesel engine in it.
It was a dark green, but i do not remember it having a white top. Was with a bunch of Newer Rovers and a J10 without a bed.