they have started the live coverage of KOH.
today is LCQ race
today is LCQ race
Watching it live via stream on the PS3...
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Sean Rose arrived yesterday. Backed the jeep off the trailer and exploded the transmission. They were disassembling it last I saw. I'll check on them this AM.
I've seen Travis's car, but haven't seen him yet. Also saw Usnick. He was swapping the "good" tcase into his Sammy. I talked to Nazir for a while yesterday AM. He's been here for a week already. They got here before all the weather that fawked everybody else last weekend. He's got four cars here: his 4400, the new blower buggy, one of the single seaters, and Woodlee's car. Also saw Todd Puckett's car, it was parked next to Nazir's tent. I haven't seen them yet, though.
Weather on Monday night was pretty rough, thought the camper might flip over. Yesterday was awesome, though, and today looks to be more of the same. Clear and nice. Already starting to get warm.
Oh, and the Raceline display has a big photo of Will's old single seater.
I'll try to upload some photos later, but internets here is a little slow.
Sean Rose arrived yesterday. Backed the jeep off the trailer and exploded the transmission. They were disassembling it last I saw. I'll check on them this AM.
Last time I saw Sean was in Tellico. Is he wheleing the bugified tj?
he is wheeling this
You are out there? Can you do me a HUGE favor? My friend, Kirby is driving the Benz Buggy (number 999). Can you tell me when he is racing?
I can't find any info on him on the website...of course I assume he is racing. Could be wrong!
Fact.Kirby is running in the big race on Friday. Not sure what their starting position is but the order is posted on Pirate. IIRC Mike Carwath is the driver of record.
Rob Usnick was right after Travis
And WTF, why do they call them "cars"