"lazy and shiftless"

Thats whats wrong with this country. Everyone it too worried that they are gonna offend somebody. If said person is in fact lazy and shiftless then whats the problem?
You can't if they're not white - "That's racist" :rolleyes:
are they calling you this?
I would first need to know what the hell "shiftless" means. I've been scared "shitless" before but think you guys are talking about something different.
Main Entry: shift·less
Pronunciation: \ˈshif(t)-ləs\
Function: adjective
Etymology: shift (resourcefulness)
Date: 1584
1 : lacking in resourcefulness : inefficient
2 : lacking in ambition or incentive : lazy <shiftless freeloaders>
— shift·less·ly adverb
— shift·less·ness noun