Leaking Transmission Question


Active Member
Sep 7, 2008
Lincolnton, NC
I have a '94 S-10 Blazer 4x4 with the automatic trans and 103k miles. Could slightly over filling the transmission cause it to periodically leak from the pump or front seal? It only leaks after driving it hard in the afternoon heat. It's only done it twice since I rarely drive it far.
I'm guessing the fluid is boiling, over heating the front seal/pump, and there for leaking. Then when it cools down it stops leaking. I did notice that the hose for the pressure relief valve was bone dry. I thought it would leak from there first? Would I be ok with just flushing the trans and not over filling it this time?
Not too sure overfilling it would cause it to leak, but I suppose it's possible. Certainly seen wierder stuff. I'd just drain some out and recheck level. Cheaper than a flush if level isn't your problem.
some of the th350s and 700s I believe have a bleed off hole.

The purpose is to prevent seal blow out if you over fill it.