LEO Trail Patrol Opportunity


Uwharrie Off-Road Volunteering
Oct 23, 2007
Weddington, NC
During the Jamboree I spoke with Officer Foote about the issues concerning a lack of trail patrols by the Forest Service and Law Enforcement. He mentioned that they were looking at the possibility of purchasing a UTV for him to use for trail patrols. To push this effort forward the suggestion was made that someone on NC4X4 get the head office contact information out there and we as the community make our opinions known.

So if you support the concept of trail patrols by the FS/LE out at Uwharrie to help cut down on the people going off trails, littering, etc please call the following number:

828-257-4200 Asheville Ranger District Offices

Ask for Forest Supervisor Kristin Bail, and mention your support for a FS/LE patrol on the OHV trails to help stop the people putting our trails at risk. The squeaky wheel gets the oil is how the saying goes, if we really want to see more enforcement of the rules at Uwharrie this is an opportunity to get the ball rolling.
All we need to do is call and tell them we support it? What are they doing taking a poll?
needs to be on the other unf threads
Its an idea that as been brought to their attention but it needs backing from us to ensure it becomes a reality. Just like everyone is encouraged to write their local/state representatives to support or go against legislation this is the same deal. If we call and call and call the point will get across that this needs to happen. And this is a suggestion coming from our only LEO out there, someone that is knoweledgable in this area.
At least he is supportive of trail patrols and has started talks with the higher ups about getting a UTV. One LEO that wants to help enforce the rules/laws is better than a handful that don't. I wish there was more LEO's out there, but its baby steps I guess.
I missed this before now but just spoke with Lisa Harper, who is Kristen Bail's executive assistant. I left her a detailed message, as she said Ms. Bail is out until tomorrow evening. I encourage others to do the same.

I hope no one minds that I spoke with the authority of our 19,000 members, our continued support in the OHV trails at Uwharrie, and our continued volunteer efforts at the work days.
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I missed this before now but just spoke with Lisa Harper, who is Kristen Bail's executive assistant. I left her a detailed message, as she said Ms. Bail is out until tomorrow evening. I encourage others to do the same.

I hope no one minds that I spoke with the authority of our 19,000 members, our continued support in the OHV trails at Uwharrie, and our continued volunteer efforts at the work days.
Mind? I APPLAUD YOU !:gitrdun: