Locating leaf spring under frame


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2010
Mooresville, NC
I picked up another toyota pickup that I have been working on, had to rebuild the rear half of the frame due to frame rot and have that just about done other then fish plates over the welds/splice in the stock frame. The truck is torn down to nothing but the frame so there isn't much weight. Im going to run a RUF pack and a 96 2wd f150 rear pack. I have the front axle mounted on (2) rear springs with the axle sitting on jack stands along with jack stands about midway down the frame. With the RUF this puts the axle around 2in forward of stock, Now my problem is locating the rear leaf spring front mount (i'm probably way over thinking this and confusing myself along the way).

Im going to run the f150 springs long side forward and looking for around a 108-110" wheelbase (I can adjust within 1-2" with spring perches), What I have done is measure out the wheel base on the frame and hung plumb bobs at 108". I then measured from front spring eye to center pin on the leaf spring and came up with 32", marked 32" forward from the plum bob and set the front spring eye placement. Hung the leaf spring (all just clamped for now) and this is the part that i'm confused by, With the leaf spring mounted and hanging the center pin is 4" forward of the plum bob marking the wheel base. I understand the leaf will grow towards the shackle with weight put on it but will it move 4"? Am I overthinking this or doing something wrong? This isn't my first build but I have been out of the game for a few years. Any insight?
I'd lay done good heavy tacks on the spring hanger and shake mount and let it sit down with weight on it. 4" sounds a bit excessive so you may be a little off.
Don't forget to figure in angles and the curve of the spring. 32" along the framerails will not necessarily translate to 32" along the spring or 32" from hanger to axle. Do like Chris said and tack it good and put weight on it.

Me personally, I would put marks on the frame where I want the axle at ride height. Align the axle with those marks, and see where the springer ends up at. Tack first, put weight on it, make adjustments.