Logging, pine trees, have questions


Dipstick who put two vehicles on jack stands
Mar 21, 2005
Oak Ridge/Stokesdale, NC
I have lost about 25 trees at my house due to ice and wind storms over the past 2.5 yrs. They were all pine trees. I probably have between 100-200 pine trees in the front and on one side of my house. The other side and rear is all hardwoods. Until last Saturday they had not done any damage to my property, but now I have one of them leaning on my shed.

I am considering contracting with a logging company to come out and cut all of the them down before one falls on my house or my vehicles. I know absolutely nothing about logging. How does this typically work? Do I have to pay them or will they pay me since they get to keep the wood?
If they are of board quality, then they will pay you. If there is enough( you might have to contact a smaller individual) they may only be good enough for the chip mill. If you get a tree service, you are gonna pay out the butt to get them cut.
I got a chain saw, bobcat and a strong back. Get your estimates if you've got to pay call me, my father in law does that stuff.
be sure to have it in writing how the yard/land will be left. Neighbor did that once, 'logger' left the branches and tops...which city wouldn't haul off for free because it was 'for hire' work by a contactor. Homeowner had to pay big to get it cleaned up.
Be sure to check with your local manicipality for logging restrictions. Clear cut rules / Erosion Control Measures and such. Something tells me that a town called Stokesdale would not have any restrictions but just a small warning before being stuck with any fines.
Some counties around here like Durham, Orange and Wake require around 20% of any existing forested property to remain if the parcel is of a certain size (don't know magic number?). They also require a Site Plan and Erosion Control Plan with tree fencing and erosion measures around streams and adjacent properties.
Nothing too costly, just a little research and time. Feel free to give me a shout if they require such and I'd gladly give you advice for the cheapest Proposal for your manicipality. All this can be researched online now days as well.
be sure to have it in writing how the yard/land will be left. Neighbor did that once, 'logger' left the branches and tops...which city wouldn't haul off for free because it was 'for hire' work by a contactor. Homeowner had to pay big to get it cleaned up.

Ditto on that. I didn't have enough for anyone to pay me so they took them for free. I only asked that they clean the yard up afterwards. Never happened. In retrospect I should have had a contract were they gave me a $500 deposit that was forfeited if they didn't clean up the yard.
After Hurricane Fran our my dad and our neighbors had some trees removed. Neighbors signed a contract before hand whereas we were paid by the load. We made way more per load than our neighbors did contract. Cant recall numbers but it was significant.

:lol: My father in-law and I just dropped 7 of the sob's here at the house a few mins ago. They make great bonfire wood fo' da partys. Thats all I've got, I'm off to start the clean up now-thank God for that extra hr of daylight!
Danny doesn't party any more.

Yeh, I am old and conservative.

Thanks for the replies guys. I didn't want to call up a logging company totally green and get reamed.