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 This is the line up for the 2013 Spring Jamboree - UORTC 4x4 Games


Balance Beam: Drive up to balance your vehicle on a “Teeter Totter” in the fastest time!

Roll to the line: You have a starting line, cut off line and a finish line. Start and once you reach the 'cut off line' one must put the vehicle in neutral, no brakes and no throttle- only steering. A Judge will be navigating (passenger seat) to verify. One will try and come to a stop, using steering to scrub off speed, as close to the finish line as possible with the front right (passenger) hub. A measurement is taken. Closest to the finish line wins!

Ball and Post: You have a start and finish line (same line) and one ball and two posts (75 feet apart) and a turnaround area or box. One starts and drives to the first post to take the ball off the top off the post from the driver’s side. The driver then hands the ball to the passenger who puts the ball on the next post (passenger side obviously). Driver then drives to end (box), does a 'J' turn, drives back to post and passenger gets ball off of post (passenger side obviously) hands the ball to the driver who then puts the ball on the last post (driver side obviously) and then drives to finish line (box) where the time is stopped. The ball needs to remain balanced for at least 2 seconds on top of the post (If it is windy). Confused -? I hope not - That game is fast paced and fun!! Fastest time wins!

Blind Dog Run: I think the most fun of all the games! A course is setup using posts and tape, flagging or pennant flags on a string. The driver is blind folded, the navigator tells the driver what to do! This will take place over obstacles and sharp turns! Time is added to the clock if your vehicle touches the tape and even more time if posts are hit or knocked down. No penalty for backing up. Fastest time wins!

Nudge the Jug: Serious driver and navigator skill is needed for this one! The object is to knock the ball off the jug without spilling any water! Similar or same- start/finish line and 'J' turn as in the 'Ball and Post' game. This game uses plastic gallon milk jugs, water and a tennis ball. You better have some extra of these items! From the starting line one drives to a jug filled with water, on the ground, with a tennis ball on top of the jug (cap removed). Driver first stops at the jug, on the passenger side, with the jug at the front right (passenger) tire. The driver attempts to knock the ball off. The navigator needs to help the driver approach the jug! Then the driver goes to the end/box, does a 'J' turn and returns to the jug on the drivers front tire and attempts to knock the ball off. Then drives to finish line/ box. Time is added if water is spilled and even more time added if the jug is crushed or damaged. !! Fastest time wins!


Spear the Ring: A timed event testing the driver’s skill and navigator’s steady hand against the unpredictable nature of a flexible spear. With rings hanging from a large post, the driver starts from the start finish line with the passenger holding the spear pointing towards the front of the vehicle. The driver (with moderate speed) approaches the ring on the passenger side, the passenger “Spears the Ring” while in motion. Driver goes to the end/box, does a 'J' turn and returns to the opposite side to spear the remaining ring. Drive to the finish line and stop in the box without going over the line. Fastest time wins!
