MJ axle swap....did we miss something?


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2005
ok so over the weekend we put a non vac. dis. dana 30 in my brother's 88 MJ and installed a loc-rite in it at the same time in order to eliminate the two piece axles and for a trip to tellico later this week.
we got everything in smoothly but now ONLY when he is in 4wd there is a loud popping sound, like metal on metal sound coming from the front end when he turns the steering wheel?? it does not do it in 2wd just 4wd so that rules out the ball joints and steering linkage and possibly the hubs?? could that be a u-joint going?? they seemed to be tight prior to install. any ideas??
h yeah, he left the brake dust sheilds out, would that have anything to do with it or the fact that its going in a vacuum dissconnect JEEP?? he has a 231 tcase should it be okay spinning all the time now?
Is it a clicking sound while on jackstands or coasting on the pavement? If it is then it is the locrite ratching which is normal. if it is a clunking I'd guess u-joint in axles or even ft dshaft. Oh yeah did you fill the diff completely up with oil? just asking.
Linc, Sounds like the lockright to me. Might want to pull it back apart (i know u dont want to) and check all the springs and peices. Hope yall have fun at tellico. Yall take some pics and make sure to hit guardrail and helicopter pad.

Is it a clicking sound while on jackstands or coasting on the pavement? If it is then it is the locrite ratching which is normal. if it is a clunking I'd guess u-joint in axles or even ft dshaft. Oh yeah did you fill the diff completely up with oil? just asking.

its definately not the normal loc-rite racheting sound, im used to that. it sounds like its coming from the right front and only in 4wd when torque is applied. im thinkin u-joint? he is going to try and swap in a different set of shafts tom and see if it goes away.
Linc, Sounds like the lockright to me. Might want to pull it back apart (i know u dont want to) and check all the springs and peices. Hope yall have fun at tellico. Yall take some pics and make sure to hit guardrail and helicopter pad.


whatsup man!! you guys are still alive!!! we need to go wheelin sometime. Janel and I actually live in charlotte now. How's Mac doing?
We keep having too many problems... Im not going now...

No really, Lincoln, does the Lockright engage like its supposed to in 4wd?

I think Mac needs to just sell me the MJ and restart
How long did that 30 sit around? My K5 hadn't turned the shafts in so long that the u-joint seized up on the passenger side in one axis, so it wouldn't turn and spin at the same time.

I would start with the u-joints.
The issue with the popping sound was a busted u-joint.... Changed it and it was fine.

Also, Hugh, this is Chris, you were my old RA in Cone. Anyway we just got back from Tellico on Sunday. I'll get Lincoln to get in touch with you when we head back out in a few weeks...... Still have some repairs to make after Tellico!