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Well and it gets more complicated because... stocks havent reflected fair market value of a company for a long, long time.

They are based on hunches and projections and the buzz word "sentimentality and appeal".

So now the masses miss the good ole days when Blackberry ruled the world. Blackberry (RIM - research in motion) has no value. They dont exsist they dont have an office but there is still as hell and common sock out there lieing around.

So the millenials have decided...I miss blackberry. Ill ay $20 for a share of blackberry thatw as only worth has "sentimentality and appeal"...well guess what company is suddenly worth $100MM again?...

The hedge fund guys have done it forever, now they are being exposed at their own game.

And it all started because an analyst made a snide comment about how video gamers arent productive memebrs of society on CNBC and pissed off silicone valley wannabes...
