Mud Pro Metal Works


Breaking Stuff...
Nov 19, 2008
Morganton NC
I contacted Mud (Scott) of Mud Pro Metal Works a few weeks ago with an odd request. Most of the time I calling him about doing link tabs or brackets and such. But this time was different, I needed a gift for the wife, Wednesday the 6th is our Anniversary and Saturday the 11th is her birthday.

I wanted something for her flower garden, she is a yard person and enjoys time in the garden. She has ask me to make metal "art" for the garden, since I weld on the jeep often, but I am not skilled that way, But Mud is. I ask him if he could make a metal flower for her. He said it wouldn't be an issue, I asked him to use his creatively which he did and here is what he came up.



He did an great job, I can't thank him enough. This is way better than anything that I had imagined. Can't wait to see it in person next week.

Thanks again Mud

So for your metal work needs call Mud, you might be surprised what he can do.

View attachment 139059
Needs more triangulation!
J/K, nice work!
That's awesome! I think Mud's on to something there. He can make miniature versions for those "manly men" who drive the newer beetles with flower vase on the dash. :p
Mud definately makes some awesome art, the better half has a monkey that is about 4 feet tall that hangs by his tail on the wall. He shouldn't have stuff like that hangin around. Between that and him offering his "art" catalog to her to look at while over there, he should be hanged.