Need a price on a cab swap ASAP


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2005
I have a 2001 Quad cab Dodge that I loaned to a buddy today. Long story short, parking brake cable broke and it rolled down a hill from his house and hit a house. I am sure insurance is going to total it because it broke the mounts loose on the flat bed and shoved it into the cab which crushed the cab and ripped it open. I need a price for someone to swap cabs. Not looking for an insurance qoute, but if I do buy the truck back I want to have someone swap it out because I don't have the time or room to do it right now myself.

Post on here or call me if you are interested in doing the swap and give me a price. Price would be for using all my interior and doors putting them in a new quad cab and mounting everything. There is no bed on the truck now nor will there be then so that much will be out of the way.

Mod if this is in the wrong place, please move it to the correct location.