Need Help


New Member
Feb 17, 2008
What is the best way to get the load off the leaf spring to replace the bushing.....Having a heck of a time getting the load off the leaf to remove the bolt. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. toyota v6 with all pro 5" kit. Also anyone no if parts stores have the bushing orshould I get factory toyota replacments.

I have jacked the body in the past to that fine line and been able to do it before but this was on a jeep.
I need some tall jackstands... I have the larger high ones and they are 26" high and my truck frame in the front acked is 36". I guess I will find some blocks.
I need some tall jackstands... I have the larger high ones and they are 26" high and my truck frame in the front acked is 36". I guess I will find some blocks.
Just be real safe when using any blocks (preferably wood)
You *could* remove the wheels so that you don`t have to jack it so high. I put jackstands under the frame and leave the jack under the 3rd. Slowly let the jack down till you can slide the bolt out.
I think I need the jack under the frame, because once the bolt have been removerd i would have to raise the body for the leafs to drop out to replace the bushings. Any idea if auto supply places have the toy leaf bushings? Or maybe the stealer ship.
1) remove both front tires
2) lower frame onto jack stands
3) jack axle up until load removed
4) lower jack to get spring out of hanger/remove bushing
/\ x2 if you remove the front wheels, you can lower the frame to the jackstands, instead of having to use the blocks. should allow you enough drop to remove spring bolt.
thanks guys. I just used a Hi Lift...I hate removing the tires. 39" Boggers are some heavy sombit&%^**((. If I didn't have to remove didn't want to...I completed this in about 30 mins. Thanks guys.