New here (again)


New Member
May 30, 2005
I was registered awhile back- didn't know you guys had come back :smokin:
I'm in Texas. :flipoff2: :D
I've got a 85Cj7 about to undergo a frame transplant. Just have to get the new one welded up and some motor mounts on it. Oh and get another DD! Soon I hope(93 Chevy Cargo G20 on the cheap)
Oh and Happy Memorial Day to ya'll veterans :beer:
Gotta go sleep off these ribs
Hey JB, I see they got a smiley for ya :huggy: hehehehe
Yeah, we'll see about them Cowboys and them puttykats in Dec. :flipoff2:
What's nu? I'm trying to pick up a Van to relieve the Jeep of it's DD duties and get a frame under it. You still coming down this way?
Ray :D