New Ladies' Tees


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2005
They say that the secret to a woman's heart comes in a little blue box. Well, you're on your own with that one, but you can let her know you were thinking about her last weekend with the gift of a pink t-shirt. Every time we go to an event, we get asked if we have shirts in "girlie" colors. When we were down at the ECORS race in Alabama, it seemed like folks didn't hardly care what was printed on the shirt so long as it came in pink.

Well, our screen printing guy rose to the challenge and printed up a batch of NC4x4 shirts in pink and purple. Both shirts feature the NC4x4 logo in light pink on the front and new original art on the back.

Check out the NC4x4 store for tee shirts, stickers, koozies and more.