New Viper 791XV alarm


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2005
Charlotte, missing Boone
sorry, i put this in the newbie tech 1st, i thought it might be more fit to go here...
i just got the Viper installed and im having some trouble figuring out the sensitivity of the sensors. when i first picked it up, i had to pretty much bang on the thing to get the warning beeps, now when i hit the bumper or something it doesnt even give the warning beeps:)mad: ). i am sure there is a way to adjust the sensitivity, i just dont know how. ever since all my stereo equipment was stolen, i wouldnt mind it being too sensitive (but not sensitive to the point where your Jeep is the guy in the parking lot whose alarm goes off everytime i ricerocket drives by with a 12" exaust tip). if anyone has any knowledge/experience with this alarm i would greatly appreciate some help.
RTFM... Honestly.

It should be adjustable in one of 3 ways I can think of.

1: knob on the shock sensor
2: enter a diagnostics mode and hit the car as hard as you want the threshhold to be
3: the remote will increase/decrease sensitivity as you hit different buttons...

IMO, shock sensors are damn near worthless. Want coverage?

Glass breakage microphones - ONLY pick up breaking glass, few if any false alarms. Proximity sensors with adjustable inner and outer sensitivity - once adjusted correctly, they hardly false. pin switches (duh).