Not really a Woe


Recovering Project Junkie
Nov 5, 2005
Newton, NC
I dont have any issues with the site what-so-ever, but I have been thinking:rolleyes:

It would be cool if we had an app for Android and/or iPhone to make viewing threads and things easier on your phone.

I was going to look into it possibly, but waiting for approval from Google for App Inventor.

Of course, I am sure that there are people here that are much smarter than I, and could do this quicker and easier than I.

I was thinking of it having buttons for your PMs, calendars, new posts, etc...

I wouldnt think it would affect the site really, but not really sure....

Yeah, we've got Tapatalk. You can buy the app and use that on your phone. It speeds up page loads by fetching only the 'important' data from the forum and doing all the formatting within the application.

We also have the mobile style, which is somewhat stripped down and should load faster on your phone. You can select that one manually from the drop down menu at the bottom left of the page. It sacrifices some functionality for page load speed.

I haven't used either of these, so if you have other options we should investigate or any feedback in general, I'm all ears.
tapatalk works well. You can download a free (demo), but Im not sure of the limitations. Cant figure out how to add it as a Favorite forum, so I dont haveto search all the time.
Cool, let me know how it works out.
I have no problems on my BB 9630 with the site and it functions just like the real thing.