not receiving notification emails?


Asshole at large
Mar 17, 2005
Central PA
Yes, the box is checked in the options..

I don't get PM e-mails... :confused:
Check your email address, antispam settings, etc.

Everything looks fine on the server side. It's sending me PM notifications, no problem.
e-mail is good, and anti-spam is off. weird.

I wonder if TCH is blocking inbound e-mails because they're mad that the board changed hosts? :lol:
I believe the error is because it is unable to validate the account that is sending the email because for some reason the email is being sent as instead of forum@nc4x4 like it is suppose to. It displays that account but the reply to address is wrong. We will keep looking at it, so we can get it working right.
Thanks Josh..
Any update by chance? :)
and they just started working again... weird