no waiting to fill a tire *** No waiting with OBA either and I run 39.5s
you can seat a bead *** I can seat a bead with my OBA
they last a very long time and i run 40s*** OBA lasts longer/never runs out
have full pressure until they are empty***OBA has full pressure too
take up way less space*** ??? I have no tanks & it all fits under the hood
excellent for running air tools***good point. OBA with out tanks doesn't run air tools very well.
MOBILE AIR so you and your air source can walk down the clogged up trail to offer assistance***excellent point. I carry extra hose lengths, but they only go so far.
compressors fail and wear out, they are not made to compress outside dirty air***They don't fail very often, no more than a water pump or alt, etc. I use an air filter on mine.
i keep an extra tank in the the tow rig so i never run dry***No need to carry extras taking up even more space.
ive never spent more than 20 bucks to have 15lb. filled up***My air is FREE !
I've got less than $75 invested in my OBA