official race times ure4x4cross

Dylan W.

lone resident of Bro-Lite Island
Mar 17, 2007
Mocksville NC
Sorry guys, no split timing so ya cant compare stage times...but here is the list.
I will make it simple and post racer#/times in the order they ran.

A. ............................B.

101----7.37.31 ...........230----8.45.67
107----8.37.58 ........... 253----7.45.50
126----9.37.98 ........... 227----dnf
105----8.51.60 ............223----dnf
109----dnf .................225----9.59.77
111----dnf ..................213----9.30.35
129----dnf .................231----dnf
102----13.19.62 .......... 220----dnf
106----7.45.11 ............ 217----8.15.09
118----dnf ................ 212----8.25.89
125----8.12.15 ............ 214----dnf
130----7.36.59 ............ 229----11.18.90
110----11.10.33 ........... 204----10.24.72
112----9.57.67 ............ 211----9.07.96
114----15.55.40 ...........226----14.06.05
124----10.52.87 ...........224----9.59.78
127----14.57.71 .......... 215----9.39.47
135----11.20.14 .......... 210----9.33.71
136----10.30.23 .......... 228----dnf
103----9.11.50 ............ 232----8.29.09
120----7.21.12 .............219----8.39.05
123----dnf ............... 201----8.39.75
122----7.02.48 ........... 233----dnf
108----dnf ............... 218----12.03.91
115----7.52.05 ............209----8.38.02
119----11.52.05 ......... 222----9.25.56
131----dnf ................ 208----dnf
132----6.57.21............203----35.40(stroll with the family)

C. ........................... D.
306----dnf .................401----dnf
302----10.37.90 ......... 407----dnf
303----7.56.25 .......... 414----9.20.28
314----dnf .............. 404----7.53.60
311----dnf ................ 408----8.35.23
316----dnf ................ 412----7.08.10
317----12.38.39 ......... 410----dnf
307----10.19.96 ..........409----8.24.47
309----dnf ................ 405----7.39.98
304----10.01.21 ......... 402----dnf
313----8.34.43 ........... 432----dnf
318----10.32.96 .......... 413----dnf
Here you go - re-ordered by placement per class, with statsitics per grp...

132 06:57.2
122 07:02.5
120 07:21.1
130 07:36.6
101 07:37.3
106 07:45.1
115 07:52.5
121 07:57.8
125 08:12.2
107 08:37.6
105 08:51.6
103 09:11.5
126 09:38.0
112 09:57.7
136 10:30.2
124 10:52.9
110 11:10.3
135 11:20.1
119 11:52.5
102 13:19.6
127 14:57.7
114 15:55.4
109 dnf
111 dnf
129 dnf
118 dnf
123 dnf
108 dnf
131 dnf
Mean 09:46.2
Median 09:01.5
% DNF 0.24

253 07:45.5
217 08:15.9
212 08:25.9
232 08:29.9
209 08:38.2
219 08:39.5
201 08:39.8
230 08:45.7
211 09:08.0
222 09:25.6
213 09:30.3
210 09:33.7
215 09:39.5
225 09:59.8
224 09:59.8
204 10:24.7
229 11:18.9
218 12:03.9
226 14:06.5
203 35:40.0
227 dnf
223 dnf
231 dnf
220 dnf
214 dnf
228 dnf
233 dnf
208 dnf
Mean 09:37.4
Median 09:25.6
% DNF 0.30

324 07:33.6
308 07:55.6
303 07:56.3
313 08:34.4
322 09:34.2
315 09:52.9
304 10:01.2
307 10:20.0
318 10:33.0
302 10:37.9
317 12:38.4
319 13:35.9
306 dnf
314 dnf
311 dnf
316 dnf
309 dnf
326 dnf
320 dnf
321 dnf
325 dnf
Mean 09:56.1
Median 09:57.0
% DNF 0.43

412 07:08.1
405 07:40.0
404 07:53.6
409 08:24.5
408 08:35.2
414 09:20.3
401 dnf
407 dnf
410 dnf
406 dnf
402 dnf
432 dnf
413 dnf
Mean 08:10.3
Median 08:09.0
% DNF 0.54
Here you go - re-ordered by placement per class, with statsitics per grp...
132 06:57.2
122 07:20.5
120 07:21.1
130 07:36.6
101 07:37.3
106 07:45.1
115 07:52.5
121 07:57.8
125 08:12.2
107 08:37.6
105 08:51.6
103 09:11.5
126 09:38.0
112 09:57.7
136 10:30.2
124 10:52.9
110 11:10.3
135 11:20.1
119 11:52.5
102 13:19.6
127 14:57.7
114 15:55.4
109 dnf
111 dnf
129 dnf
118 dnf
123 dnf
108 dnf
131 dnf
Mean 09:46.2
Median 09:01.5
% DNF 0.24
204 10:24.7
229 11:18.9
218 12:03.9
226 14:06.5
253 07:45.5
217 08:15.9
212 08:25.9
232 08:29.9
209 08:38.2
219 08:39.5
201 08:39.8
230 08:45.7
211 09:08.0
222 09:25.6
213 09:30.3
210 09:33.7
215 09:39.5
225 09:59.8
224 09:59.8
203 35:40.0
227 dnf
223 dnf
231 dnf
220 dnf
214 dnf
228 dnf
233 dnf
208 dnf
Mean 09:37.4
Median 09:25.6
% DNF 0.30
324 07:33.6
308 07:55.6
303 07:56.3
313 08:34.4
322 09:34.2
315 09:52.9
304 10:01.2
307 10:20.0
318 10:33.0
302 10:37.9
317 12:38.4
319 13:35.9
306 dnf
314 dnf
311 dnf
316 dnf
309 dnf
326 dnf
320 dnf
321 dnf
325 dnf
Mean 09:56.1
Median 09:57.0
% DNF 0.43
412 07:08.1
405 07:40.0
404 07:53.6
409 08:24.5
408 08:35.2
414 09:20.3
401 dnf
407 dnf
410 dnf
406 dnf
402 dnf
432 dnf
413 dnf
Mean 08:10.3
Median 08:09.0
% DNF 0.54

Dude I got a 7:02.48 A class, check it, 122- Knockin Cherokee, I demand and edit damnit:beer:
I am excited about the fast times, but all those dnf's really get me hyped. These guys and gals gave it pure hell and put on a killer show. I was the last rig to go and i took it slow(with the family on parade) and just seeing all the broken rigs littering the trail was quite a sight. That was cool to see a lot of known names and badarse rigs that did'nt quite make it. I hate it for those that dnf'd, but it was a great ride just seeing the dead rigs!
Dude I got a 7:02.48 A class, check it, 122- Knockin Cherokee, I demand and edit damnit:beer:

Sorry -fixed - when I was reformatting all these in Excell (no simple task to get into "time" format) it lost all the 0s w/ single digits. Thought I caught them all.

Oh and BTW I kept Dylan's 35 sec trip out of the stats for B-class.

...and I'm still pissed I didn't get to run again as "128" so that I could also be a DNF!
Sorry -fixed - when I was reformatting all these in Excell (no simple task to get into "time" format) it lost all the 0s w/ single digits. Thought I caught them all.
Oh and BTW I kept Dylan's 35 sec trip out of the stats for B-class.
...and I'm still pissed I didn't get to run again as "128" so that I could also be a DNF!
Hey Dave, my trip was not 35 sec. it was 35 min. lol:driver:
Dylan it normally takes me and my friends about 1.5hrs to run Rocky Mount. but we mess around on Kadak alot.

I'm looking for a new beater for the next one...going to be smaller, lighter and better.
Dylan it normally takes me and my friends about 1.5hrs to run Rocky Mount. but we mess around on Kadak alot.
I'm looking for a new beater for the next one...going to be smaller, lighter and better.
Oh no...dont get me wrong..I could have raced faster.. I just chose not to race. It meant alot to me to be able to have the wife,daughter,sister,nephew,and two friends, all pile in the ''rock taxi'' and go for a parade lap. Plus I wanted to see all the carnage at a slow pace!!
Oh no...dont get me wrong..I could have raced faster.. I just chose not to race. It meant alot to me to be able to have the wife,daughter,sister,nephew,and two friends, all pile in the ''rock taxi'' and go for a parade lap. Plus I wanted to see all the carnage at a slow pace!!

I was so focussed on the terrain and speed, I barely noticed any spectators, definitley didnt see any broken down rigs:driver:
I remember seeing all the trees and rocks passing at a fast clip, BUT their wer a couple place early in the course where I think I saw the back wheels thru the winshield. It was all I could do to keep them from passing me. I worked the wheel enough in the race to boiled over the PS resevoir.
Oh no...dont get me wrong..I could have raced faster.. I just chose not to race. It meant alot to me to be able to have the wife,daughter,sister,nephew,and two friends, all pile in the ''rock taxi'' and go for a parade lap. Plus I wanted to see all the carnage at a slow pace!!
Dylan I know you had the family with you.
I didn't notice anyone on the sides of the trail or any of the broken rigs, I was just concentration on the trail ahead and not try and hit a tree or break my junk.
Hearing the people at the obstacles just helped to push it even more..

no doubt, I barely saw people, but I definitley heard them. They got my adreneline going even more, I caught myself wanting to acknowledge the crowd with an extra blip of the throttle. I didnt want to break, so I was taking it easy until the hillclimb to the ledge, then after Kodak rock, it was hammertime.
^^^I imagine alot of racers were in the ''tunnel vision'' mode!
Serious tunnel vision,but it was great to hear what we could of the crowd over the blasting of Pantera in the XJ(didn't want to hear the scraping and grinding).