olympic death


Sayer of Fact
Jan 12, 2007
Maiden, NC
Has anyone seen the luge crash? I saw the vid yesterday but now can't find it.
They werre showing it on NBC before the opeining ceremony. Pretty gnarly.

They may have pulled it out of respect for the athlete/his family.
wow... that's crazy... Are they typically all those metal columns around the luge tracks elsewhere... No way I'd go down that, imagine how much faster the team crews would be traveling...
the wreck was bad, and RIP the 21y/o that died.....but, the video wasn't nearly what i thought it was gonna be after hearing about it on NPR. I mean, he barely left the track and smacked that pole. There's also pictures after the crash of him...and he's clearly gone in the pictures...pretty brutal. I just CAN NOT believe that at Olympic levels.....and after SO many complaints, that NOTHING was done to make the track safer!!! It's the fastest track in the world, and almost every country (including the US) had issues before the wreck!
Looks like out of the millions of dollars spent for everything else...they would have invested in some type of barrier that would have prevented this.

Seems like I remember hearing of, or seeing two or three bobsledders die at the olympics a long time ago, when their bobsled left the track and flew into TRAFFIC on a busy street , just alongside the track.

Does anyone remember this?
they built a wall last night where this happened.... They keep saying the track is safe and it was driver error but no driver error should ever end in death on a safe track. Sad to think they could have literally spent a thousand more dollars and built a wall there and the guy would still be alive
IMHO there is no such thing as safe. These competors are supposed to be the best in the world, therefor one would think such an accidnet wouldnt happen. On the other hand luge racers go in excess of 70 MPH so there is an inherint risk.
On the other hand luge racers go in excess of 70 MPH so there is an inherint risk.

Even amongst competition with the best in the world, you make preparations for a crash. Moto courses get lined with hay bales, if ski race courses pass by lift towers those usually get padded...

Of course you can't account for everything, but you can certainly control a bunch of steel (or concrete, I can't tell) posts literally feet from a sharp turn.

For them to not even have had pads on those posts is inexcusable. Sad that something so preventable was the cause.
I think I heard he was going 88 mph when he hit the post. Padding would not have helped anything at all. Horrible it happened, but with (most) any form of competition there is always a risk of serious injury or death. I saw the video on NBC, and although they didn't play it but once (no replay after replay), I'd agree that they probably shouldn't play it at all. It's already going to be on the internet, if people want to watch it let them watch it online.
70mph 80mph 100+mph It doesnt matter if the post were paded or not at those speeds if you hit head first like he did your dead. Even pads would have broke your neck at 70.