Over 1,000 members on the board


Mar 11, 2005
Sanford, NC
I just wanted to publically thank all the people that have worked to make this board great. The admins and moderators have done a fantastic job keeping everything running smoothly, and the members have done great with self policing the board. I'm very happy with the way the board is running.

Keep up the great work guys and a big thank you. Give the admins and mods your thanks. Without them this board wouldn't be here.
Rob said:
I just wanted to publically thank all the people that have worked to make this board great. The admins and moderators have done a fantastic job keeping everything running smoothly, and the members have done great with self policing the board. I'm very happy with the way the board is running.

Keep up the great work guys and a big thank you.

Thank you for put up with all of us and puting the board together.
yep, thanks for creating a place where i can talk to people who i might actually get to wheel with someday. its nice to know that if one of us needed something, that the majority of the members are within driving distance of each other.

thanks for bringing it back after some asshats killed it. it would be nice to have public access to the old archives from the past few years though.