Paragon Adventure park online petition. Those who enjoy the park Should look.


Active Member
May 15, 2005
Here is the online petition to try and keep Paragon open. I have signed it (#7192). I normally would not do something like this assuming it would be a hoax, but I was watching PowerBlock TV today and they mentioned so I feel it is legitimate. Legal trails are being lost everyday so this is a great way to show our support for the folks at Paragon. Even if you have never been there it is a great offroad park that our sport cannot afford to lose. Think of it like shutting down Moab! Just my two cents. Hopefully there will be many many people that agree.
Signed. No. 7206.
i just signed it. worked fine.
Absolutely Save Paragon!!

#7306 !!
SIGNED, good ol' #7313
Too bad the place is now closed until further notice - or when hte appeals State Supreme court decides on it...

pretty eff'ed up IMO and Kyle has been treated pretty shitty on that end...a lot of money is/has lost for local small businesses and hotels from this

Parks open man
we got a run going this weekend

wont be able to make it ill be in charlotte for easter
but the park is definately open till further notice.

untill such time as the park is officially closed down permanantly and legal proceedings are finished paragon will remain open to weekend traffic.

good bad and the ugly was the first trail i ever did in my truck.
i love paragon
I wish Kyle luck in keeping it open


I was wrong Looks like the corporate big boy got controll of the land untill further notice.

Dang that stinks