part time work - GSO, HP, W-S area needed


New Member
May 30, 2005
Davie County, NC
I am looking for a part time job after 5:00 in the GSO, HP, or W-S area. Wrenching, fork lift driving, welding, etc - anything along these lines. PM me if you know anyone intersted or have seen any adds. Thanks - Ryan
i've got a part time job in winston that averages $12-$15/hr. Its at a restaraunt though, not too much forklifting, welding, or wrenching there.
Puma297 said:
i've got a part time job in winston that averages $12-$15/hr. Its at a restaraunt though, not too much forklifting, welding, or wrenching there.
Not bad at all, but I don't think I would fit that job too well. Thanks for the heads up - anyone else.