Password for Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox?


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Aug 24, 2005
Concord, NC
Is there a way to password protect Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox so that someone using your computer would have to type in a password before they could get on the web? I have looked in the help section of both browsers and can't find anything.
Just about your best choice software-wise would be some of the parental control software, that has an override password. Not the best solution, but there is some freeware that might work. Problem is, most eleven year olds can figure out how to bypass parental controls.

I use Sonicwall routers for my clients, they have the option within the router to restrict access unless logged in. I have a couple of clients set up so anyone can get to work-related sites w/o a password (railroad sites, UPS, Fedup, etc) and also sites like MS updates, antivirus updates, etc. Management, and users that need access have logins and passwords that allow unrestricted access. Maybe some other routers have the same feature that would be cheaper.
IE Tools/Internet Options/content tab -> enable content advisor -> set password

Ratings almost never work so be prepared to put your password in to every new site you go to. It will keep your kids from finding their way to the site you don't want them on.
put the computer in the kitchen or where you can watch over them all of the time. and password protrect the entire computer so that they can only get on when you want
I have my kid's computers set up on timers through the router, also have key words set up on the router.

If either of them get punished from the 'net, it's a simple click of the mouse to completely shut them out.

I also remote log on to the older ones computer on occasion, the little one still goes to disney, barbie and the kid sites, not concerned about her yet.
put the computer in the kitchen or where you can watch over them all of the time. and password protrect the entire computer so that they can only get on when you want

x2! Thats where mine are.

Best solution, by far! Its free! They can't get around it. You see what they are actually doing, what they are interested in. A very passive way to police what they are doing.

Nice to have yer kids in the same room with ya. Kind like spendin' time with em, being involved with them! LOL!
It actually wasn't my kid, but an in-law that was the trouble. I do have the computer on a password now, I guess that should be good enough. At the time I was so pissed though that I wanted to password protect anything and everything that I could.
some times the key word thing isn't too good. I was bored one evening and did a search. I typed in long spline drive shaft, It picked up on the Long and Shaft, well you can imagine what I got in my search. When my daughter was in High School she was researching the Civil and typed in Slaves, again, imagine her results. So if you keep some words out, it will hurt you in what you really want, and in some cases you get more than you want!
some times the key word thing isn't too good. I was bored one evening and did a search. I typed in long spline drive shaft, It picked up on the Long and Shaft, well you can imagine what I got in my search. When my daughter was in High School she was researching the Civil and typed in Slaves, again, imagine her results. So if you keep some words out, it will hurt you in what you really want, and in some cases you get more than you want!

I have also noticed some of the dirt bags are tagging stuff with innocent words. For instance, instead of "SEX", they might tag somethng like "Barbie SEX" or "Barbie_SEX" (or Barbie 5EX, or Barbie S3X or Barbie SE%X etc etc). Which any search for "Barbie" will return their site as well as all the others Really crazy stuff for sure!