Pic Editing


New Member
Jan 3, 2006
What image editing software does everyone here use.

I bought a copy of photoshop in brazil but I guess when the guy said that it was in english he meant that the cover was in english... which still leaves the rest in portugese.

anyway just looking for some input before I go buy software since I basically know nothing about image editing.
Akuma said:
What image editing software does everyone here use.
I bought a copy of photoshop in brazil but I guess when the guy said that it was in english he meant that the cover was in english... which still leaves the rest in portugese.
anyway just looking for some input before I go buy software since I basically know nothing about image editing.
I use Photoshop (expensive)...........Photofiltre is free and does a lot........and I use Irfanview (free) for everyday crop and view!
Irfanview is free, but it does a crappy job of resizing images. It's my default image viewer because I like the way it cycles through images.

Picasa is free, it's from Google, it crops, it adjusts brightness and contrast (automatically), it corrects redeye, and it does it better than Irfanview. I just don't like the way the slideshow works.

But generally speaking, I use Photoshop for any serious image editing.
Photoshop CS, unless you happen to run Linux, which has GIMP included in most distros, and IMHO is nearly as good as photoshop & free
Microsoft Picture It works for what I need. The main work I do with the camera. How much image editing are you planning to do and what types? You can spend a ton of money and get a program that you will only use about 10% of, or you can spend less and use 80% of it. If you are planning to be going strong into digital manipulation then you will need something like Photoshop, or the like. If you are just going to be resizing and doing minor adjustments then just about any photo software will do what you need.