Picture posting problems!!!!!


Mike B.
Feb 21, 2010
Granite Falls
I tried to post pictures in a thread ( putting axles up for sale in parts section )

Said, "Upload failed, securty key not valid" Then a window popped up with an option to report the problem. Tried to send the report and got this

"Invalid Post specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"

Last time I uploadedpictures was from my work using my laptop. The same laptop I used tonght from home. I moved to my home desktop and had the same trouble.

Uploads with TAPATALK still works.
I sent you an email.

Usually, that 'bad security token' thing is because of a corrupted cookie. Deleting your NC4x4 cookies and logging back in fixes it. But the fact it happened on two different computers makes me think maybe that's not it.

Second idea I had was that the photos were really large. The server will try to resize them for you, but it only works up to a point (and I can't remember off the top of my head where that cutoff is). If they're more than ~1mb in size, try resizing them down to no more than 1200px wide and see if that works.
Posting Albums ?

I want to sale a G Cherokee. Got 8 pics. Got album [i think] on Photobucket. Tried to follow " How to post pictures in a few smiple steps!", haven't found a way to transfer album by IMG. I know these guys put dozens of pics up, don't do them 1 at a time. And YES, I stupid!:confused:
OK Shawn, I deleted cookies and resized the pics to 1200 x 1200. now I get this,

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
I changed a few server settings last night that might have been contributing to this issue. Let me know if you're still having problems.