PINKS Rich C. crashes a bike...


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2005
I don't mind the show, but it's too slow for about 4 passes. Rich gets on my last nerve. I love how he handled this street bike crash. The worste part is that after the crash he pulls his shirt off for no reason and then is short with the EMT's. Way to set a good example for the young ones watch, riding without a helmet and all!
yeah, he's a little terse witht he EMT's, but I think it was more out of embarassment than just being a douche bag.

I think most of us have had the " Homer moments" when we really didn't need to be on camera, nor talking to anyone.

He was a lil scraped up, and he sure as hell should have had his helmet on.

there are a lot of things about that show I see like that, guys making 10 second passes with NO helmet, or the lid on the head, but the straps dangling ( pretty much makes the bucket useless )

Same goes with harnesses, I've seen a few passes where the in car CLEARLY shows them no buckled, or drawn tight, and even not used at all.
Just an FYI that was 2 seasons ago
Yeah - that show takes to long. I don't see that he got short with the EMT's though. It seems like they all took care of business quickly to get the taping finished. I don't know why he pulled the shirt - but it might have been because he wanted to check on road rash on the rest of his body.

I's second the comment on about people needing to wear helmets. Here's a little blurb I wrote about my own experience in helmets saving lives. One saved my life just about 5 weeks ago:

I can confirm the injury skier as being bfeller. I give you the short story - all my toes and fingers are wiggling.

Here's the long story: I can't tell you what happened - I woke up on the snow. IF anyone was on the Ball Hooter lift and saw me wipe out I'd love to hear the story. I am the guy in the right side of MedicSkiers top photo - blue and white jacket - functioning white ski helmet.

What I do know: I had been cruising down Ballhooter - upper to lower. I must have been doing it for and hour. I was coming up to the hill just past the the cut into Knot Bumper. I was riding down the slot on the right side - making a left/right/left turn then cruising on down to the Lower Balllhooter - then back up the lift to do it again.

Heres what I remember - and bear in mind - the first post accident minutes are real fuzzy - and I have a fresh prescription for some killer pain meds. I remember looking around thinking to myself what I am doing and how did I get here. OK - so sometimes I do listen to the Talking Heads. But yeah - It took me some time to realize I was sitting in the snow - I was skiing - I was in West Virgina - at Snowshoe, with SkiSE. I started wiggling toes and fingers. I then went to looking out across the lake and valley and thinking it was a wonderful day after every thing moved. I had no tingling in my arms and legs but I still couldn't grasp why I was sitting in the snow with no memory of how I got there. I heard another skiier saying 'Don't move - the Ski Patrol is coming" - Time must have moved real slow - or the Ski Patrol moved real fast- I swear the next voice was a Ski Patroller stopping behind me and cradling my head and helping me lay down. Some more Patrollers showed up - I heard the unknown skiier say something about he found me in the snow - or saw me from the lift - didn't see the accident - hit a tree. That part is real foggy. The Ski Patrol put on the neck brace - backboard - removed my helmet. The helmet that has what must be a 2 to 3 inch crack in it running from the base of my neck straight up the middle. They sledded me down to Ball Hooter (sorry for cutting the lift line on you folks). I also got to ride the Snowmobile. OK - I was on a sled attached to the snowmobile. They took me over to the Shaver Center - plugged in some IV's, took the Blood Pressure, etc etc. The PA recommended that due to the circumstances that I be flown out. His concern was that If I had and blod clot on the brain - that there would be no good place for them to stop an ambulance and put me into a helicopter. So - I accepted the offer of the flight of the mountain. Talk about the way to beat the traffic - did you know they blocked the roads so that the folks can get the ambulance to the helipad? So - I ended up on a nice flight to Roanoke VA. getting CAT Scans and X-Ray's. So - I was traveling alone. In Roanoke - at about 2:45 - I was able to call my wife and tell her I was in the trauma center. At about 4 PM they were ready to discharge me with some home care instructions. Wake me every 4 hours and run through a checklist to make sure they are no bad changes in my condition. The problem was my wife was still a few hours away. I had no clothes - no shoes - I did have my wallet. They were just about to dress me in some paper clothes and have me sit in the ER waiting room. One fo the nurse asked them to hold before doing that - she then came back after getting permission to let me stay in area they called the annex. The Patient Resource Rep wheeled me over to a closed (for the weekend) part of the ED area - gave me some fresh warm blankets, a box lunch (how did she know I love Turkey Sandwiches). By then the Vicoden was kicking in so I watched a some TV on the bedside screen and waited for my wife to arrive. My brother was with her, his wife was looking after my kids.
So as it stands - I have the followup visit with my DR this afternoon. They should be re-reading my CAT Scans and XRays today. I expect everything to be OK. I appear to have a concussion - a neck injury, cervical injury and pelvic bruise. The translation to that is appear I horrible headache (instead of giving them) - I have a pain in the neck (instead of being one) and I'll save the pelvic joke for the Non Family Oriented Boards.....
Plain and simple your one lucky bastard. if only sonny bono could have been so lucky...

Good luck with the recovery
This may sound bad, but Your post reminded me of an accident I had when I was a kid... Now that I am grown I can find the funny in the accident, and laugh about it.

I was like 10 riding a bike down a hill, as fast as I could..... No helmet or pads (My parents did not care to teach safety because they were not raised with it... I can't blame them, and bike safety had yet to be introduced in my school) Anywho... I lost control... flip over the handle bars... a huge mess on the asphalt. I sit up.. look around, I see my brother coming down the hill... I see blood and ripped cloths... I notice my brother getting closer but I am not sure what just happened yet. Then it hits be, Josh is paniking... I think "why?? oh wait, there is my bike, this blood is from me... omg my face hurts.. my arms... my arms are bloody... but I don't feel pain" right then it was like a bolt of lighting hit me... Talk about pain all at once!!!! my mom took me to the doctor the next day, then the ER after that. I still have two scars about 2 inches apart that I show people how I broke both my wrist.

I laugh because the only thing I remeber about the hospital was a bunch of differnt docs asking me if my parents "hurt" me. I said yes because I thought they were talking about spankings, Mom was not happy
bfeller, I had a real similar experience in Crested Butte, CO. Only I wasn't wearing a helmet. It would've saved me a whole lot of trouble.
I started wearing a helmet while skiing/boarding a few years ago. It took about a whole 3 minutes to get used to it and now I won't go out without it. Ski related head traumas are bad stuff and I'm not going to be a statistic, especially when helmets are so warm and comfy.