Post from PBB - TN Guy needs parts at Crawfords/Tellico


Better Faster Stronger
Mar 17, 2005
N. N. Raleigh, NC
<Cut> Tellico Help!
A buddy (Tnranger) just called and has had some bad luck already today. He broke the driver's side knuckle off his Ford kingpin 60 and is in somewhat of a jam. He said he would be more than happy to buy one if someone had a spare one laying around. If anyone is heading that way this weekend he is camped at Crawford's and is in a red YJ on 42" Iroks, his name is James Baker.

I asked about if he is stranded or just needs parts to keep wheeling.. Post wasn't 100% clear..

PBB Thread
wasn't there a guy on here selling a set & one had a small crack in it?
That was me. I have a set for sale.