Prayers for a fellow wheeler


Human Resources
Mar 19, 2005
If y'all would, please add doubleup (Jay Welch) to your prayers.

He was in a boating accident and his wife, Michele, says he's fractured/crushed one of his vertebrae in the middle of his back. He is going to have surgery on Friday and he's never had surgery before, so the fear of the unknown is one of the toughest hurdles.

Thanks and I'll post any updates I get from Michele.
will be praying for him and thank you for your prayer requests for me and my surgery Tuesday. I am doing well and im home recovering now!
I heard from Michele last night that the insurance company wouldn't approve the surgery until Jay has tried other methods to repair the injury... so it will be a few weeks, at least. He's very discouraged and in pain, so please keep up the prayers.
insurance companies suck
Prayers for jay....
insurance companies suck
Prayers for jay....
^^^I agree^^^ A co-worker of mine as been hanging from a door frame(one of the other methods) for 3 weeks. Prayers out good luck with the recovery.