Pretty Crazy Water Crossing

That creek don't look very dry to me...
lol..cant help but sounding like the safety police here...but anyone else see a problem?
If they fall off they'll land in the water. It'll break their fall.
I like how the water is above the steering wheel, bet he wishes he had kept the doors on
same here man
jeeps in deep water make me jealous its not mine :lol:

drives me crazy all these people with snorkels that have tops that turn around and they never turn them while wheeling. the idiots screaming in that xj video gave me a good laugh
lol, any vehicle in deep water makes me cringe....but it seems to be most prevelant to those who have contracted that "jeep thing" :popcorn:

I got diagnosed 14 yrs ago and try like hell to spread it to everyone I know! Go get your flu shot! .... walk backwards

If you don't know what that means youtube "flu shot disabled"