Pro Comp Light Wiring


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2007
I am trying to rewire my lights (2 Hellas) and I have a Pro comp Wiring kit but I do not know which wires go to what # on the relay and can't find anyhing on the computer. The part # for the wiring kit is 9301. Anybody know what goes where. Thanks -Mike
Only thing that I would personally do different than they did in the diagram Mike is run a seperate the 85 and 87 posts.
Your high amp wire being like a 14-12 gauge depending on the wattage, and like a 16 or 18 for the switch post, since the relay only takes less than an amp to control, but still put some fuses on both.
Awesome, that article was good. I was gonna work on it today but got distracted. :beer: I'll prolly get it going tomorrow but thanks for the info guys. And yeah brandon i'll run the 85 and 87 sep.
oh yeah and if you want run the switch wire for the relay off of a keyed ignition source so if you leave your lights on accidentally, you wont kill your battery since it will shut the lights off when the ingition is off.