pwrstroke problems....HELP!!!!!


Landscaper Extroidanaire
Oct 10, 2007
Woodleaf, NC

Ive got a 96 f250 stroke, ts 6pos, fpr shim, diy intake straight pipe with stack. Ran fine yesterday....started it up this am, live north of charlotte nc outside of salisbury, and it sounded like it was runnin on 4 cylinders, let it warm up for 15 minutes and it didnt change anything changed the fuel filter, didnt change anything, put antigel treatment in and that didnt change anything. Drove it an hour up the interstate and it never even got past the n on normal on the temp gauge missin and having no pwr whatsoever. Got to where i was going and could place my hand on the valvecover and it was BARELY warm, and my stacks werent very warm either, usually i cant touch em long after an interstate run. Thought maybe the truck wasnt getting enough fuel so i let it run and drained the fuel bowl, seems to have the same amnt of usual coming out. The only thing i could think of is hpop maybe not providing enough pressure or some injectors going at a landscaping convention today and have to come back tomorrow for certification tests and i live an hour away.....need help and not sure what to do!!!
so theres no smoke or anything so it shouldnt be a headgasket or its running really cool. As soon as i start it it runs fine for a couple seconds and then starts cammin out real hard like its missing

Also theres no smoke or anything so it shouldnt be a headgasket or its running really cool. As soon as i start it it runs fine for a couple seconds and then starts cammin out real hard like its missing
Check the plug in at the vavle cover sounds like it has come loose/unplugged or maybe one of the valve cover gaskets or UVCH's are bad.
Went out on the last break and found a fuel leak( drip every second) coming from the sensor that is screwed into the fpr.....also saw a couple airbubbles......could i be getting air in my fuel? Would that be the cause? Uvch plugs are all connected to the valvecover....valvecover gaskets seem good
Went out on the last break and found a fuel leak( drip every second) coming from the sensor that is screwed into the fpr.....also saw a couple airbubbles......could i be getting air in my fuel? Would that be the cause? Uvch plugs are all connected to the valvecover....valvecover gaskets seem good
Un plug the bulkhead connector on each valvecover(two per valve cover) and smell of the connector.If it has a burnt/melted smell more than likely one/all of your UVCH's are bad on that bank of the engine.Mine looked alright but were toast when I pulled the VC off.As for the leak if you havent had it before today and you have changed the filter this morning I'd say the seal on the canister is not sealed good or you dont have the lid on tight enuf.
Just got out of the seminar for today.....the leak isnt coming from the filter hoising/fuel bowl its coming from a sensor on the fpr.....i aasume its the water in fuel sensor....dripping off the bottom of that and bubbling out the top of the sensor itself
I had a 96 and the UVCH's went bad on it and my on 02 the harness just came unplugged.The only thing that makes me wonder was him bein able to drive an hour with it that way,mine would barely move out of its tracks.
Oh believe me, it ran like would barely pull itself off the rollback when i got it home gonna check out the uvch tomorrow night or wed. Wheres the best place to get them, international? I figure if im in there i should probably do glow plugs as well, just kinda on edge about that due to some horror stories ive heard. Ive got over 300k on this truck, never had a problem at all with it in the almost two years ive had it, other than ttb stuff
A pic from last night on the way to ride in style tho! Brand new 650 with a cummins and allison...had 6600 miles on it. Going to tear into the truck first thing in the morning and see whats up, first order of business is pullin the valve covers


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I have read on the ps boards that parts from INT are usually a lil cheaper than Ford.I put Ford back on mine because the dealership was alot closer than Landmark INT and I was needin my truck back.
Im gonna be going to the int stealership......tried runnin a bluepoint microscan on my truck to check for codes( i have had a cel since i chipped my truck) and to run livedata to check injectors etc and it says i have no codes and says livedata and whatnot is not supported. Do diesels take a special scanner? I have access to a solus 2, will that work?
You need a high end scanner. What you want to do is a "buzz test" to find out if the injectors are getting power. The UVCH are not hard at all to change just a little time consuming.
Well 1ton called it....smelled down in the oil fill tube and harness plugs on the pass side and it was fine. Went and took the intake tube off all the way to the turbo to get it out of the way, pulled the front external plug and half was melted....pulled the crankcase breather off the valvecover and was bitchslapped in the face by the smell of burnt wiring....BINGO i never thought i would ever be excited to smell that, i was jumpin up and down and dancin lol. Called around to international( most of.what i needed i would of had to drive to the other side of the world) and ford(had half of what i needed and didnt have any lube either). Pricing for everything mixing items from the two would hqve been over 700 bucks. Found a place called accurate diesel, out of michigan, that carries oem parts that had what was called a "meltdown kit" for these trucks. The kit includes both valvecover gaskets, all 4 uvchs, all 4 external harness replacement plugs, all 8 glowplugs, and a new gpr for 329.99 plus 10.00 priority shipping. Spoke with a guy named either tim or jim and he took my order and said he was going to pull my order and ship it as soon as he got off the phone. Should be here friday or saturday.
Thanks to all that helped diagnose!!!! Heres some pics for entertainment


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I got lucky,mine tore up sittin in the driveway.:driver:Now my 02 cost me $300 to get it and the camper pulled home.:shaking:
Thats about somewhere over 300k gotta do all the math, swapped in a couple different speedos....i have all the different milages wrote down tho
It lives! Swapped in the new harness', glow plugs, valvecover gaskets, and glow plug relay, and 1 of the external plugs. No problems with the install, all was successful and took her for a test drive after i was done. Ill tell ya what, damn thing started like a dream! Thanks for everybodies help