Question on 1990's toyota's


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2005
The truck has EFI so is the computer in the cab or on the firewall in the engine compartment? Is there alot to the computer or is it small compared to the newer comps? Probably going to do some custom work and want to move the comp haven't gotten into it yet I have a 1990 toyota 4x4 2.4EFI :driver:

I'm pretty sure the computer is located on the right side behind the passenger side kick panel below the dash. It is not as big as those in some cars today.
Can it be removed easily or will I have to pull wires? What I want to do is remove the truck body and install my own custom fab. I was wondering if the computer would be hard to relocate?
is it a regular cab or extended cab? i know in the regular cab its mounted in the passanger kick panel, the x cab is somewhere in the back believe. but for the reg. cabs, i know you can unplug it and move it to the glove compartment w/o any splicing or cutting or anything, just move it and plug it back in. roger brown has the best write up i've seen on how to do this.