Reputable shop in Greensboro?


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
San Diego, CA
I know i should be fixing my own junk but with full time school and work I don't have time to drive all the way to p-town so... :flipoff2: I'm needing the seal between my xfer case and tranny replaced in the immediate future (leaks like a sieve) Would anyone reccomend a place in greensboro to get work done? Or better yet, offer me a shop to do it myself? Thanks.
I see GSO / WS in your sig
Does the shop have to be in GSO or WS work for you?

Can't help you in GSO, but in WS try J-Medic
I have a shop about 20 minutes south of G-boro that you might be able to use. Shoot me a PM or e-mail ( about the time you think it would take and what day you want to work on your Heep if you are interested.
