rock race pick-up


New Member
Mar 11, 2007
i cant go to rack race next weekend but i was going to see if someone can get something from "pleery" im getting a lift from him and he is going to be there. So if anyone lives in raleigh and wonts to help out a nubie it would be a BIG help!!!! let me know!

Or I gotcha, have 1-ton, will haul.

Ricky's probably closer, since he goes to State.
ricky aint helping with this, he just screwed me on one deal...

I can help you out. I live in North Raleigh and am hauling my bronco with an f250. Should have plenty of room. I am fairly new to the group so not many people know me ,but willing to help out.
carl w.
I am in North Raleigh but can meet you most any day this week to pick it up. You can tell your buddy I am on a white F250 pulling a 1968 rust colored early bronco. Call my cell tomorrow 796-4784
Carl Welch
haha, Dale, I could prolly get it for you.
I"ll just throw the hitch hauler on the back of the heep.
You should come out to the race if you don't have to work.
(this is Chris, your dad's neighbor btw)

Or Carl can haul it :)
I'll be there, prolly not right at the start though. Something about mornings and me, well, just don't get along that well.

yea man!! thank for the offer cuz1!!! hscrugby is next door to my dad...where my jeep is!! thank man!! yea Chris ill get you a check this week so you can get to Preery for me!! thank alot!
And I thought people butchered MY name... :lol: I think I counted 3 different spellings of your last name, Pat..
I live in k-vegas u need me to pick it up or something? dont you live in raleigh? Umm.... PM me.
for the hole lift pick neighbor is getting it for me. thanks to everyone for your help! now its all up to me to get my trans back in this weekend!!! so the lift can go in sunday!! onec agen thanks guys!!
