RV Dealers near Asheville?


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2007
East TN
Hey I'm coming over that way tomorrow to look at RV's (Class C and Class A). I plan on hitting the Tom Johnson Dealership and looking at one for sale by owner. I'm sure there are more dealerships over there so do you all have any recommendations on dealerships I should take a look at and maybe an address or website so I can map out my trip?

I would bypass the dealers. I got a killer deal on a class A on craigs list. I looked a while, but they were all over. I also looked at one from Tom Johnson and it was junk for what they were asking for it compared to everythin else I looked at. My 2 cents
I've been searching for a while but every time I talk to an individual that owns one they are in way over there head in payments so they can't sell it for what its worth. I've got a Nada Wholesale guide that I use for basing my prices. There are a few I'm checking in Craigs list. I do agree the privately owned ones are in much better shape than the dealers. What CLass A did you pickup if you don't mind me asking?
if you are going to toms ask for a friend of mine. if you havent already spoke to someone
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