Safety gals and face sheild


YHDG's adopted son!!!
Jun 19, 2007
high point
Just a friendly reminder to wear your safety glasses and a face shield when grinding. I only wore my safety galsses Sunday and now at 2:45 I have a visit to the eye doctor to get the rust ring ground out. That's it have a nice day......
Damn that sucks
been there done that...wait to you get that giant eye patch and people think you a FREAK...:beer:
On top of that I've got a tool show tonight in Welcome at RCR so I will look like a freak walking around over there.
I feel your pain there. Done the same thing once. Won't do it again. Did it on a thursday and didn't know it. Left for tellico friday. By the time I got home sunday my eye was swollen shut.
This is one of few shop habits I am diligent about... coming from a background f both having hard contact lenses (so my eyes are already sensitive to shit in them), having poor vision, and working around MRI machines for several years.

Chris, when you go, get an extra copy of the orders when oyu leave saying it's all been removed, no more metal in there, keep this in your car or something.
if something bad happens and you need an MRI, they'll ask about working with metal or having shrapnel, then freak out about it. if you already have the orders saying it's removed, they'll be OK.
and you need an MRI, they'll ask about working with metal or having shrapnel, then freak out about it. if you already have the orders saying it's removed, they'll be OK.

Yeah, because ER attendants & opto flunkies are immune from making mistakes! :rolleyes:

Unless they Xray afterwards, there's no way to see what might have been missed on the extreme sides of your eye... Then during the MRI, it cooks your corneas & they'll have a "get out of litigation free card".
yeah, when I had an MRI a few years ago they operators freaked out when I told them I was a welder and said they worried about it. I finally convinced them I was welding stainless and aluminum and not to worry about that because it wasn't magnetic

But, yeah, metal and rust in the eye sux bad. I have contacts and am super sensitive to crap in the eyes.
How do you know if you have/had metal in your eye? Is it painful ?

I've had dirt/crud in my eye at times, (no idea if its metal or not) but have been able to get it to the corner of my eye and flush it out. My trick is to lean over, pull out eyelid a little and slowly roll my eye around and work it to the corner, usually I'm tearing pretty good and that helps to flush it out pretty quick. If not I have an eye washer thing that I can use..
Oh yeah, PAINFUL! After about 7 trips to have frags pulled from my eyes I have become much better about wearing my protection. I also have had one instance where I got hit even though I was wearing safety glasses! Guess I'm a slow learner but at least it's in my mind now that I need to put something on before cutting/grinding.

Hope things go well for you.
I did have glasses on. Things went well, the doctor was a younger guy and we started talking(I think he knew how bad I was dreading the rotory tool). He said "Care if I try a new tool out on ya", He laughed about me being a tool dealer and all. This thing was cool, it looked like a christmas tree and was magentic. After getting it out and using the minture icecream scoop to remove the rust ring he placed a protective contact in there and said come back on Friday.
Glad you're ok Chris. By the way, if you see Harvic at the RCR thing...tell him I said:fuck-you: I'm still pissed that he wrecked Stewart last year at
I didn't want to mention the pain yesterday before your doctor visit...cuz I know from seein' your drivin you a wuss...:lol:

Good luck with the eye...:beer:
I have done that 3 times it hurts. I had on glasses and my welding helmet yesterday and still had to go to the bathroom to get a piece out of my eye.
been there done that.... I had glasses on too. Bascially I thought it wasnt a big deal for a few hours then about 8 hours later my eye started surging with pain and I looked in the mirror and could litteraly see the peice of metal in my eye. Went to Duke and the eye guy had left so another guy picked it and all the rust out of my eye with a needle. It took like an hour. Sucks majorly, I am much more careful now.
I also have had one instance where I got hit even though I was wearing safety glasses!
Yeah, I've had that happen too. Fortunately it wasn't bad and the eye doctor correctly predicted that it would work out on its own.

Now if I'm doing anything where the shrapnel is really going to fly my way I wear a full shield. Those things seem to be just about fool proof.