
just get justin to do it... he won't do you wrong...
Are you looking to make everything or are you buying the hangers and everything? I have done 1 and been around a few so i have a little experiance and access to lots of tools (welders, plasma cutter, ect.).
go with the trail gear kit, can't beat it for the money + quality. You'll easily surpass that amount with the nickle and dime stuff if you try to piece the components together yourself. ask me how I know
have you seen the post on pirate about trailmart? i wouldnt buy anything from them personally
fuck pirate, the trail gear kit is great, cant beat it for the price. thats what i have on my truck and trail gear is nothing but great service and good parts. dont belive everything you read on the internet. its not hard to do the SAS, its just a little time consuming
91yota said:
have you seen the post on pirate about trailmart? i wouldnt buy anything from them personally

I haven't seen it. What is the problem? I don't own a Yota, but I do have a Samurai and I know Trail Gear is starting to make stuff for them.
"in general" one of Marlin Crawler's suppliers opened a retail outlet (trail-gear) and began undercutting Marlin a little bit. Marlin has been around awhile and has alot of fans / customer base. Hence a feud of sorts has begun.

Business is business in my opinion.
i think the big problem came when trailmart started talking about releasing the 6 stud knuckles which marlin developed... either way, i dont know the whole story, but from what i gathered, i was not impressed with trailmart's business decisions on that situation... i'm also not a big fan of chris geiger... either way, im not in the market right now so my opinion may change by the time i'm ready to make a purchase... do what you want
There have been multiple problems with the cheap import trailgear cast pieces.

Pitman arms shattering on the street is a bad thing.

However, the rest of their kit pieces seem to be fine. I have had pretty good luck with all of it that we have used.

We do SAS stuff quite often, if I can help you out just let me know.
