semi/or permanent trailer tags


Aug 29, 2005
what the deal?

How much more are they and is anything else needed to get one?

permanent tag for my trailer was $75, regular tag was $19/year I think (maybe $15?)

Well worth the $$$ if you plan to keep the trailer, I won't ever sell mine b/c my grandpa gave it to me so there is no question a permanent tag was the way to go.

Just do it next time you are up for renewal, make sure the tag is mounted somewhere it won't get damaged, I still need to mount mine on the trailer and remove the old one.
thats me main problem I am bad about lossing and switching tailer tags from trailer to trailer. I have 4 trailers and 1 tag right now that I can't even find it.

Do you have to pay entire fee for and new tag if you lose it!
simple answer if you have 4 trailers then you should have 4 tags one for each trailer.. and they should not be removed then you will never loose them :)
there are lots of things we as people shouldn't do but we do!
there are lots of things we as people shouldn't do but we do!

I have two traliers and I'm only going to tag one.....I don't think they DMW is going to check the VIN. I can't see buying another tag when i already pay too much for 1.
I have two traliers and I'm only going to tag one.....I don't think they DMW is going to check the VIN. I can't see buying another tag when i already pay too much for 1.

I've been using a 16' jon boat trailer tag on the car trailer for two + years now. Been meaning to get this trailer tagged but I'm trying to find a better one first. If I get pulled I'll just play dumb. :rolleyes:
hope you are kidding doesn't the gov/state get enough of our money as it is I have 4 trailers and 9 cars/trucks (all tagged and insured) come on the cars and trucks are thousands a year just in taxes.
hope you are kidding doesn't the gov/state get enough of our money as it is I have 4 trailers and 9 cars/trucks (all tagged and insured) come on the cars and trucks are thousands a year just in taxes.

If all your trailers are titled and insured, then it shouldnt be hard to put tags on them all. A one time fee of 75 bucks per trailer is cheaper than a ticket.

If all your trailers are titled and insured, then it shouldnt be hard to put tags on them all. A one time fee of 75 bucks per trailer is cheaper than a ticket.

Insured ? all I had to do was prove the towing vehicle was insured, trailer is covered under that....
the $75 perm tag is a sweet deal really, mine is riveted to the drivers side fender.
yeah, liability extends to the trailer from the vehicle towing it. comprehensive is dirt cheap though, i think i pay about $20-25 every 6 months for mine, lol.

permanent tag is definitely the way to go if you're going to keep one a few years. as has been said, you can't (legally) transfer it to another trailer, you have to pay the full fee again. you can, however, replace a lost/stolen tag for $10-15 iirc.
Its this easy, "if you want to play you got to pay" I have two trailers myself and they both have permanent tags on them. just pay the $75 up front and you won't have to worry about it anymore for as long as you own the trailer
Insured ? all I had to do was prove the towing vehicle was insured, trailer is covered under that....
the $75 perm tag is a sweet deal really, mine is riveted to the drivers side fender.

Our new trailer is actually listed on the insurance. Not sure the whole details of it, but its on there. Ill ask Mama about it when I see her.

Isnt there something different with taxes on a permanent vs. yearly?

I got a letter from my county asking for purchase price and length of trailer, I think it's going to be added to my house property taxes. no big deal really.
Insured ? all I had to do was prove the towing vehicle was insured, trailer is covered under that....
the $75 perm tag is a sweet deal really, mine is riveted to the drivers side fender.

The trailer is only insured while is it attached to your vehicle. If someone steals it even while it was attached it is not insured. The load is not insured either unless you pay some godly amount of money

yeah, liability extends to the trailer from the vehicle towing it. comprehensive is dirt cheap though, i think i pay about $20-25 every 6 months for mine, lol.

I have full coverage on my trailer to cover it being stolen mainly. It is insured wether it is connected to a vehicle or not. I added like $20-$25 to our 6 month policy. Well worth it if it get stolen.

permanent tag is definitely the way to go if you're going to keep one a few years. as has been said, you can't (legally) transfer it to another trailer, you have to pay the full fee again. you can, however, replace a lost/stolen tag for $10-15 iirc.

I wish I knew about the perm tag when I got my trailer 4-5 years ago.

I got a letter from my county asking for purchase price and length of trailer, I think it's going to be added to my house property taxes. no big deal really.

I can't have that since I dont pay vehicle taxes I don't want them to add it to my house LOL
I got a letter from my county asking for purchase price and length of trailer, I think it's going to be added to my house property taxes. no big deal really

If they do that I wonder if size matters? Mines big and heavy. Could be a problem. I am going to get a permant tag for this one and leave it on it.