SENATE BILL 123 - Eliminate Motor Vehicle Safety Inspections.


Better Faster Stronger
Mar 17, 2005
N. N. Raleigh, NC
my thought is when it comes to safety, I sure dont jackass who has shoty tires, bad brakes, worn out steering, etc. driving behind my family down the road. I think the emissions part could go and i could care less, but I definitely think that the safety inspection should stay.
Yeah to me it should just be a safety inspection, to me the emissions is just a waste of money. Make it the manf. problem.
for consideration: if safety inspections were to be eliminated, would the highway patrol then have more incentive to pull someone over with a questionable vehicle?

I'm for safety inspections myself, as for emissions...thats a hard fought battle.
Most people are responsible enough to keep their vehicles in good working order. Others, well not so much. I like to know when somebody in front of me is putting on their brakes.
Ditch it. Every item on the safety inspection is ticketable on the road and it will cost a lot more than an inspection.
Ditch emissions too. How many newish cars have you sen burning oil due to pi poor maintenance? How do they pas emissions?
my thought is when it comes to safety, I sure dont jackass who has shoty tires, bad brakes, worn out steering, etc. driving behind my family down the road. I think the emissions part could go and i could care less, but I definitely think that the safety inspection should stay.

Uh... are we talking about the same "safety" inspections? :lol:
Yeah I think inspections are agrovating and I hate spending the time and money.

BUT, I grew up in Tennessee where there wasn't any type of inspection. Drive around some of the vehicles there, and you will appreciate the inspections here.

I do wish they would get rid of the emision crap. As they continue to make cleaner more effecient vehicles, this will take care of it's self.... just my opinion....
How do they pas emissions?

Take it to your local garage, have them clear the codes. Drive it around most of the day, unless you have a GM vehicle with a evap problem. Check in after 40 miles or so and Waalllaaaa! It will pass, most times. I do drive cycles on vehicles everyweek.
From what I understand the emissions is regulated by the federal government and the EPA ,because of the amount of traffic we have in highly populated areas . As for safety inspections If they get rid of them We will see more and more junk on the road , I think the bill is to help people with dark tint ad bald tires .:popcorn: