shipping a jeep


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
hi need some help i found a jeep in nj and need to have it shipped to nc has any one had a jeep shipped thank you paul
Best thing to do is ask if anyone here is going that way that has a tow rig. It will be pretty expensive if you have a company do it, ie a towing company or that sort of thing. If it will drive, a plane ticket up there might be cheaper. Good Luck.
I'm heading to PA in a week or so, it's possible I could pick it up and tow it back, depending on where in NJ it is... PM me with more info if you wish.
it's gonna run you $600-$1200 to have it hauled professionally...

if Rich can't might consider doing what the guy did that bought my last truck...bought a $99 airline ticket, and then spent $100 in gas...

I've had two trucks sold to guys that flew in and drove the AZ. One on unbalanced bias Swampers. :eek:

It all depends on the condition of the Jeep and whether it really is driveable for the distance. I drove the Mog from the VA port only to have it crap out on I85 in Durham during rush hour.