Yea, paying them off has worked so far. If it was my shipping company, I'd mount 6 or so gattling guns on the sides of my ships and man them and just sink said pirates. I'd video tape it and post it on every website I could find and invite more pirates to try.
Yea, paying them off has worked so far. If it was my shipping company, I'd mount 6 or so gattling guns on the sides of my ships and man them and just sink said pirates. I'd video tape it and post it on every website I could find and invite more pirates to try.
I agree 100%. Like when they hijacked that Russian ship carrying military cargo. Tanks, RPGs, guns, etc. I mean, if they were going through dangerous territory (Bering Straight) known for hijackings why not defend yourself. But no, instead of shelling out some money for rounds and guns they get hijacked and pay a ransom. So stupid. Its a good thing they didnt offload the tanks and other weapons or we woulda been in some real serious trouble as the RPGS they are using are probably from the Somolian War.