someone gettin screwed ???

Still unresolved. I contacted him yesterday to see if i could be any help in finding the guy and the guy says he will get back to me with any info he can find. I really hate to see people getting screwed like that, it sucks.
yeah the thread is gone, whats the short story version of it?
This one is a lot different than the wenzel one.
I SPOKE with sean(TJ7) today. I'm not going to say he is blameless here, but certainly does not bear all the blame. Apparently he had a friend who was dealing stolen parts, he would post and handle shipping on ebay,pirate, etc. all went well for ~6 months, then the guy claimed to have a D60 sean found a buyer for $1500 snt the con man the agreed to $1100 (the rest was his "cut") and the con man conned him and snt a D61. Sean was left in a pickle tried to make it right, eventually con man sent out a parted out D60 to give the buyer... The buyer is not the one raising hell... the "con man" is accusiong sean of theft and oweing him money because he didn't return the D61... even though he supposedly offered to if the con man would pay shiping.

Like I said Sean is not blameless but he PM'd me his phone number I called him and we chatted for a half hour or more, all in all he seems pretty straight forward even if a little shady. My verdict: would I do business with him, NO. DO I think he intentionaklly screweed anyone, No also
i think they were afriad it would almost stop the board like it did when everyone hit the wenzel thread

it was like a gay mans wet dream.....two guys screwing each other
I think this one went too far.
Death threats and talk of puppies on sticks and such
police are involved
damn crazy SE rednecks dont play... this aint cali...