Someone is playing around under the hood again


Dum Spiro Spero
Apr 16, 2005
Sharon, SC
Got a comprehensive list of new features?

So far I green corners for currently online and something called new profile posts
I like the new profile posts. @jeepinmatt "Is that a question?" Made me lolz. Too bad we can't like the commets.
Yeah, software updates. The profile posts have always been there, but they've been given more prominence. It has some neat new tricks for quoting, too.

I'll post some how-to stuff tonight.
I like the new profile posts. @jeepinmatt "Is that a question?" Made me lolz. Too bad we can't like the commets.
That was intended somewhere between humorous and serious...
How can I hide my online status now? I've unchecked "show online status" but the green tab is still on my avatar.

Because, creepers.