starting new project


jeep a holic, resident assho;e
Sep 21, 2007
new project - 92 amigo. Im going to swap in a 4.3 not sure what tranny I want to use yet. may end up doing a sas. anyone have any experience with isuzu mods?
Isuzu's are dang good trail vehicles in their own setup.What do I know tho,I drive a stock Willys.

get up with Joe Darlington (joed4x4 on here).He is the Isuzu guru in eastern N.C. and builds all kinds of steel parts and accesories for these vehicles.
Do you already have the 4.3? Have a 90 trooper that has almost seen the end of it's 4 cylinder and was just checking the iwanna for 4.3s yesterday. Thought about the classic 700r4?
yea, Ive got a 4.3. could maybe use another 1 thou. I have a xtra 465/205 here, but thought about going auto also. I may try to leave mine ifs for a little while since I dont have a ft axle. seems everyone uses a toy or old waggy ft for the sas.
id keep it simple go 1/2 ton stuff and if your a 4spd fan go w/ sm465 if auto go th350 and np205,just my 2 cents!
well Im already undecided. thought this would be a cool build. but Im putting a set of full size dana 44's under a yj. now debating if I want to use the 4.3 in it or put a 4.0 head and fuel inj. on the existing 258
my first build was a trooper, amigos are the same base. Isuzu's are dang tough. Good frames bodies etc.. Also, if you run a 700r4 I have and adapter and case for a yota to 700r4 that I used in my isuzu if your intrested.. just throwing that out there.