Stewart Farms is closed for good


Will work for money
Oct 24, 2007
Harrisburg, NC
Stewart Farms is now closed for good. Unfortunately due to issues with misuse of the land we have been asked by the landowner to close the gates permanently. We appreciate everyones help and support and we hate that it happened this way but it's out of our control. I know personally I met some great people through this thing and I hate to see it go but we knew this might happen eventually. We thank everyone for their help with everything.
Well we had some people get out of the property boundaries where they shouldn't have and they did some pretty good damage to an adjacent property. The guy who own's stewat farm had a big issue with it because he doesn't want any problems with the owners around him. So we were unfortunately closed down so that it couldn't happen again.
That flat out sucks. Where on the property did people get off trail? It seemed pretty obvious where the trails were and were not. I'm pissed somebody had to mess it up for the rest of us.
Yea thats what we thought too. It was down below the powerline right of way over to the right of where you go down to lanes beach. There's a really muddy area thats on the other property and it's tore all to crap.
man this sucks but the owner has to do what he has to do to keep the peace i do thank him for letting up ride was a grate place to ride meet some realy cool people out there. Mars how about telling heim i said thanks.
Yea thats what we thought too. It was down below the powerline right of way over to the right of where you go down to lanes beach. There's a really muddy area thats on the other property and it's tore all to crap.
Did Andy consider, if possible, blocking off that area? Or was this one of those all or nothing situations? You know that we'd all put in time/labor to repair any damage so that we can keep wheeling.
Does anyone else think Andy may have not intended for the place to be as popular as it was, and was looking for a reason to close it down? I don't know the guy, but it just seems odd to me that he'd close it due to one incident. Was he already getting shit from his neighbors or something?
One weekend while we were working, his neighbor was sitting on his 4wheeler just watching us from a hill........ I felt like that neighbor didnt want us there.

I had fun while I was there... too bad it has to end
mannnn this sucks.....any where else that there is to go wheeling in concord means taking a chance on getting towed....and im not down with that
mannnn this sucks.....any where else that there is to go wheeling in concord means taking a chance on getting towed....and im not down with that

Don't even consider wheeling in any of those places, wheeling in illegal places gives us all bad names, just like the guys that went off the trail on this land.
One bad apple spoils the bunch.

I dont understand why people cant just follow the rules when they know it will ruin things for the rest of us. Looks like I wont get to experience this place.
Not sure if it's the same place but I read about a farm that the city/county/state forced to stop allowing riders. The article read that adjacent property was damaged and the owner never obtained the appropriate permits and ignored attempts from government for him to rectify the situation.
yeah....thats what i was not going to wheel those places because of that reason....
I would suggest going out there and repairing the damage to all the properties involved to help our image. just a thought
thats sucks. me and my old man made it out there once and everyone we meet that day was nice. it was a fun place and it was only going to get better.
keep us posted if anything changes.
Johnski - yea It was pretty much all or nothing. Andy made it pretty clear to me that
one instance where something like this happened would probably end it for everyone.

13Bullets - Andy actually was dissapointed about the turn out with his place definately not looking for a reason to shut it down he loves this stuff like the rest of us. Other than the first work weekend where we had like 60 people we have had no more than like 10 rigs in a whole weekend. He was expecting and wanting more like the 60 number most weekends. Another problem was the race, we had a problem getting anyone interested in the race. There were alot of spectators but nobody wanted to actually race. The prob with his neighbors are that they own lowes motor speedway and we dont want to piss them off, he just didn't want to take that chance.

Customcruiser - Yea that guy that watched us that weekend did seem a little ill but I asked andy and he said the guy didnt have a problem.

Southernyota - Thats what sucks the worse. I know for me that it was great to have a place right down the road to "test and tune" wheather it was a huge place or not It was a great place to have.

y2kcrawler - This seems to happen everywhere, something screws it up for everybody. Like Big Clay said if everyone appreciated what they had this wouldn't be a problem.
Rox&Mud - As far a I know nobody official had any idea that this place even existed. We never did any public advertising of any kind. I don't Imagine that its this place. I have been very involved with everything from the start and have heard no problems from anyone. I would like to know where this place is your talking about. Sounds like an interesting issue. I'd like to know specifics.

Futbalfanatic - I agree we should try to repair the damage. Andy and I are working on getting that handled.

I hope I have answered everyones questions. If not let me know.
Although it's a moot point, he can't expect such a large turnout every weekend, especially so soon after he opened it up. That'd be nearly every local wheeler every weekend. That's insane.

It's done though. I didn't have a chance to get out there like some others, and it sucks. Til next time...